And so, rather than extending a hand to these strangers and saying "welcome to our planet," it is much easier to make up silly nicknames for them to laugh about with your co-workers. After all, our office is always better than your office. Well, unless it's MY office, in which case it sucks.
Here are some of the loons who work in my building:
1. Chain-smoking Matthew Perry
2. Crazy Muppet Lady
3. Cellbert
4. Coming up the stairs at 5:00 Fed Ex Girl
5. Bald Ex-Marine Smoker
6. Bon Jovi Hair Lady a/k/a Porcupine
7. Zoot Suit Riot
8. Raspy
9. Jumbo a/k/a Fat Guy Small Car a/k/a Weeble
10. Office Affair Duo
11. Huge Paralegal #1
12. Huge Paralegal #2
13. Sneakers Aren't Just for Fridays Girl
14. Corpse
Of course Raspy, Corpse, and the gang probably have nicknames of their own for me, but at least I will never be known as "Bon Jovi Hair Lady."
Got any office nicknames of your own? Post them below!